Business messaging is what it sounds like: when businesses you purchase goods or services from send text messages to their consumers.

A2P is the industry descriptor for the type of messaging businesses use (application to person).

Businesses use SMS and MMS to send text messages. SMS messages are traditional texts – under 160 characters with no attachments, pictures, videos, emojis, or other media. MMS are texts that have any of the above media.

10DLC is a messaging solution designed by US mobile operators to help businesses comply with regulations and enhance customer engagement. The solution enables businesses to send and receive higher volumes of text messages while improving delivery rates, reducing spam, and avoiding non-compliance.

TCR Registration – The Campaign Registry™ is the reputation authority for business messaging on 10DLC


Business Messaging (A2P) on 10DLC Compliance

Businesses that want to send text messages to their consumers must abide by a series of compliance efforts. Now more than ever, it has become increasingly important for businesses to understand and comply. If your business sends outgoing single or bulk text messages, complying with 10DLC standards is crucial, as non-compliance will result in a disruption of service.

Why would a business use 10DLC?

10DLC stands for 10-digit long code. When businesses send text messages, they can send the text from a 10-digit phone number or a short code. A short code is a 4, 5, or 6-digit phone number. Using a 10-digit phone number for business messaging increases brand awareness. Consumers are more likely to recognize and respond to a text from the same business phone number they would call for information.

Using and registering 10DLCs helps preserve trust in the messaging ecosystem and allows business messages to be sent over dedicated A2P messaging routes – allowing for higher throughput and improved deliverability.

What are the benefits of 10DLC?

The key benefits of using 10DLC include the following:

    • Improved Delivery Rates: 10DLC helps ensure SMS and MMS messages deliver quickly. This is because messages sent through 10DLC are sent over dedicated A2P routes.
    • Enhanced Customer Engagement: By sending messages through 10DLC, businesses are able to keep their customers aware and up to date on upcoming products, services, and promotions: brand awareness, customer loyalty, and engagement increase as a result.
    • Reduced Spam: The 10DLC solution features a range of anti-spam measures that help to ensure messages are only sent to users who have consented and opted in. This helps reduce the amount of unsolicited messages being sent out, thereby improving the customer experience.
    • Compliance with Regulations: 10DLC helps businesses comply with industry standards and provides clear guidelines for how to send A2P messages. This helps ensure businesses are not at risk of non-compliance and can maintain positive business practices.

I hear I need to register. What does registration mean, and who needs to do it?

TCR registration is a part of the 10DLC program as created by the US mobile operators. This impacts everyone who utilizes A2P messaging, regardless of volume. If you send one or thousands of text messages, you must register with TCR. Everyone must register; there are no exceptions. Without registering, businesses will experience service interruption, and their A2P messages will not reach consumers. Not all service providers are helping end-user customers with registration, but NUSO’s goal is to make registration as painless as possible.

Are you compliant with 10DLC TCR Registration?

If you’re considering using text messaging for your business communications, ensuring that you’re meeting all 10DLC standards is important. Registration is one component of 10DLC compliance. Luckily, Mastor is here to provide guidance to keep the process as simple as possible. If you haven’t taken the time to understand how registration works, contact Mastor today.

Taking the time to comply with 10DLC ensures your business operates within industry requirements. In addition, your consumers will thank you for helping reduce spam and ensuring they receive the messages they’ve opted into. This can be beneficial for both your business and your customers, making active compliance efforts well worth the effort.